Why equine-assisted therapy? 

Learn how working with horses can enhance and progress your regular therapy.

My Approach

With a holistic approach, I aim to create an approachable and welcoming environment where you can feel accepted and understood. 

In our sessions, we can focus on feelings and symptoms related to experiences of anxiety, depression, phase of life transitions, grief, and eating disorders. It’s a non-judgmental and empowering space where you get instant feedback from the horses.

As you begin the therapy process, you will discover how to:

  • Regulate your emotions

  • Process your experiences and memories

  • Identify the root of a problem

  • Be mindfully aware of your life

  • Regain a sense of dignity and purpose

  • Enhance feelings of self-worth


For anxiety issues, we can use techniques and processes that especially apply to children and teens. Horse therapy is a favourite for this group — they love being in nature with horses. Methods used include practicing activities, mindfulness, play therapy, activity scheduling, storytelling, and talk therapy.


Horses as Healers

Horses are beautiful, sentient beings with deeply sensitive spirits. A horse can melt away your anxiety and inspire confidence in ways you do not expect; they’ll teach you how to deal with resistance and how to pay attention to the things that keep you “stuck,” without pushing or forcing you to withdraw. We’ll work together to use this gentle, non-confrontational, and relevant model to examine the ways that you would like to introduce change into your life. 

My horses, Cezar and Panther, have worked with a variety of people in differing circumstances. The horses are patient, steady, and highly intuitive. They align with you and create a safe processing space.

We’ll approach horses with the care and gentleness that they need. It is my passionate belief that if a person can learn to “tune in”, align, or connect with a horse they will be able to access a powerful teacher and agent of healing.

Let’s connect and discuss how traditional or equine therapy could be suitable for your needs.  

Education & Certification


“Helping others through working with horses is my dream come true — I’d love to share its power with you.” — Denice Muzatti

  • Registered Psychotherapist

  • York University B.A.

  • Spiritual Psychotherapy Diploma 

  • ‘Discovery of Total Self' Diploma from the Transformational Arts College 

  • Coaching and Wellness Certification  

  • Certified practitioner in equine assisted learning – FEEL (Facilitated Equine Experiential Learning) 

  • Hypnosis certification 

  • Certified Naturality Group Meditation Facilitator in Association With the Canadian Yoga Alliance 

  • Re-connective Healing Practitioner and ‘The Reconnection’

  • Healing Sound Practitioner 

  • In good standing with (CRPO), College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario 

  • ‘Walking Through Grief’ Workshop at the Crisis and Trauma Resource Institute

  • The Internal Family Systems model of therapy ‘Trauma and Addiction’ with Derek Scott, RSW

  • Certified by Psychology Today

Therapy modalities used:

  • Body/Mind Psychotherapy, Inner-Child, Internal Family Systems (IFS), Mindfulness-Based (MBCT), Guided Meditative Imagery and Visualization, Talk Therapy, Psychosomatic, Strength-Based, Transpersonal



The Many Benefits of Equine-Facilitated Therapy

For women seeking respite from pain, low confidence, trauma, grief, depression, burnout, lack of connection, or anything else causing you grief, equine-assisted therapy may be for you. An experiential approach that can quickly help you get to the route of your issues. It’s an excellent complement to regular talk therapy.



I drove up with no idea what to expect. When I pulled in she was standing with two horses and I immediately started crying, even though I’m not one to easily shed tear. In the arena, under the guidance of Denice, one of the horses came at me in a bold and forthright way. He must have sensed my fear. To me, he was a representation of my father and every guy I’ve ever dated. 

Standing in front of the horse, I felt weird, nervous and insecure. Sensing what was going on, the horse became more in my face. But by the end of my session, I had learned to create my boundaries so that I won’t get run over, but still maintain a bond. Denice gave me different tools to help me stand my ground while recognizing that the horse is holding a space for me. At the end, I felt confident and relaxed. The experience has allowed me to change my relationship with my father and other males in my world.
Girl with hands on her face suffering from mental health issues.

Mental Health Facts

Mental health issues can inhibit people from experiencing relationships in a thriving and healthy way – not knowing how to set healthy boundaries thus creating poor communication skills, falling into depression, loss of job or a loss of family attachment. Many have abandonment issues, suffer from from shame or low self-esteem. They feel broken.

  • Mental illness indirectly affects all Canadians at some time through a family member, friend or colleague.

  • In any given year, 1 in 5 people in Canada will personally experience a mental health problem or illness. It affects people of all ages, education, income levels, and cultures.

  • Anxiety disorders affect 5% of the household population, causing mild to severe impairment.

  • Approximately 8% of adults will experience major depression at some time in their lives.

  • By age 40, about 50% of the population will have or have had a mental illness.

Equine-Assisted Therapy is known to help with:

  • Behaviour and mood disorders, eating disorders, learning differences, ADD/ADHD, grief/loss, anxiety, OCD, life transitions, trauma, depression and related conditions.

 Horse therapy with a psychotherapist is magical. Horses are like a mirror, helping you break down blocks and barriers quickly so you’re able to connect to yourself and others better.

 Get started today with a complementary consultation to see if horse therapy is right for you or your loved ones.