Private Horse Therapy


We bring humans and horses together to heal. Horses act as a mirror to help you see yourself as you truly are, helping you get out of your own way.

Young woman smiling with her hands on a horses face during a horse therapy session..

Private Psychotherapy Sessions with Horses

Reconnect to yourself through equine-assisted therapy. Horses can help you relieve stress and anxiety from life transitions, depression, grief/loss, trauma, and addiction. Horse therapy is a great addition to your regular talk therapy.

  • free yourself from limiting beliefs, fear, and imposter syndrome by learning to like and accept yourself 

  • understand your strengths and weaknesses 

  • improve self-esteem and self-awareness to understand how you come across to others so you can better express yourself and be heard

  • develop self-regulation and body-awareness 

  • improve empathy and listening skills to better communicate with others 

  • better relationships by learning to set clear and healthy boundaries for

  • most people see the best results with 3-6 sessions

Is therapy with horses right for you?

 Insurance Coverage

Many insurance companies and extended health benefits will cover the cost of psychotherapy services with a Registered Psychotherapist. You can contact your insurance carrier to inquire whether you are eligible for coverage.

What to expect